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The temperature.

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Q: What falls often but never hits the ground?
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Related questions

What happens an object falls?

It falls, accelerating constantly until it hits the ground.

How does the total energy change when when a falling rock hits the ground?

when the rock falls it gain kinetic energy when it falls.

Why do the satellites not fall while revolving around the earth?

. The speed of the satellite is adjusted so that it falls to earth at the same rate that the curve of the earth falls away from the satellite. The satellite is perpetually falling, but it never hits the ground!

What happens when a tree falls down?

it hits the ground

What happens as an object falls from earth?

the velocity of the object increases until it hits the ground

What would the energy changes be if a book falling off a shelf and hitting the ground?

When a book falls off a shelf and hits the ground, its potential energy is converted to kinetic energy as it falls. When it hits the ground, some of the kinetic energy is converted into sound and heat energy due to the impact.

An apple falls from a tree and 1s later hits the ground. How fast is it falling when it hits the ground?

Assuming the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/sĀ², the apple would be falling at 9.8 m/s when it hits the ground after 1 second.

What Type of precipitation that hits as a liquid and then freezes instantly when it hits the ground?

Sleet is the type of precipitation that falls as liquid but then freezes instantly upon impact with the ground. This occurs when rain from a warmer layer of air falls through a colder layer near the ground, causing it to freeze before reaching the surface.

What happens if you try to catch a white rose but falls?

It presumably hits the ground, because that's how gravity works.

If a apple falls from tree in 2sec on ground what is the heigh of tree?

An apple that falls from a tree and hits the ground 2 seconds later, fell from a branch 64 ft above the ground. We don't know the total height to the top of the tree, only to the place where the apple was attached.

What energy changes happen as a ball hits the ground?

When a ball hits the ground, the potential energy it had due to its height is converted into kinetic energy as it falls. Upon impact, some of this kinetic energy is transferred into sound and heat energy through the compression of the ball and ground.

What is snow virga?

Snow virga is a weather phenomenon that occurs when snow falls from high-altitude clouds but evaporates before reaching the ground. This results in streaks or wisps of falling snow that do not actually accumulate on the surface. Snow virga is often a sign of a dry atmosphere near the ground.