worried, troubled, bothered, disturbed
Troubled can be a verb and an adjective. Verb: The past tense of the verb 'trouble'. Adjective: Anxious or worried.
Anxious, concerned, troubled.
upset, worried, troubled, distracted, tormented, distraught, agitated, wretched
nervousi need help please
worried, troubled, uncertain, anxious, afraid, fearful, concerned, suspicious, doubtful, uneasy
This metaphor suggests that the person's facial expression was tense, turbulent, and troubled, causing you to feel concerned or uneasy. It conveys the idea of inner turmoil or distress being reflected outwardly through their appearance.
Jesus told Martha, not really a scolding, that she was worried and troubled about many things. This story is found in Luke 10:38-42.
Awkward, uncomfortable, tense, strained, apprehensive, perturbed, anguished, anxious, jumpy, troubled, worried...