

What does the root word circum mean?

Updated: 12/11/2022
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βˆ™ 13y ago

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The root Circum means "Round"

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Q: What does the root word circum mean?
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What is a word that has the root word circum?

"Encircle" is a word that contains the root word "circum." It means to surround or form a circle around something.

What is the 6-letter root word meaning around or about?

The 6-letter root word you are looking for is "circum," which means around or about.

What does circum mean in the word circumspect?

the answer to your question what does the word circum mean in the word circamspect is AROUND.

What does circum- mean at the beginning of a word?

Circum means around. This was one of my stems.

What part of the word is the root of a prefix?

The root is the prefix.Examples:Auto (automobile, autotech, autobot.. lol)Circum (circumstance, circumsize, circumvent)

What is a 6-letter root word meaning around or about?

"Circum" eg. circumspect , circumference , circumduction

What the Latin root that means around?

Around in Latin can be undique, circum or circa.

What is the root of the word circumspect?

"circumspectus" is Latin for "look around, take heed"."Circum" = around"Specere" = to lookThe word is have had its origins in the late 14th to the early 15th century.

What is root word for circumcise?

The root word for circumcise is "circum-" which means around or about, and "-cise" which means to cut or to remove. Together, circumcise means to cut around or remove the foreskin from the penis.

What is the prefix for the word circumvent?

The prefix for the word "circumvent" is "circum-".

What does the prefix circum in the word circumnavigate?

The prefix circum- means "around" or "about." In the word circumnavigate, it indicates traveling around a particular place or object.

What is the root word of the word circumspect?

The root word of circumspect is "spect," which comes from the Latin word "spectare" meaning to look at or observe. The prefix "circum-" means around. So, circumspect means to look around carefully or to be cautious.