Yes, it does. Taking out the air restrictors in a Nerf gun usually adds about 10-12 ft per dart.
The AR is an acronym for Air Restrictor in a Nerf gun. When you look down the barrel of a Nerf gun you see a little peg, this on of the Air restrictors. It varies with each gun.
In my opinion the shnoozer5000 it gets five miles when you remove the air restrictors
any dart gun has to have some kind of power to shoot the dart. this power comes either from springs or compressed air. with springs, when you cock back the gun it pulls back whats called a plunger. once you pull the trigger, the plunger is released and pushes air out of the gun, thus shooting the dart. with a compressed air gun, a pump is used to build up PSI (pounds per square ince) in an air tank. once its full, pulling the trigger releases a strong berst of air that propells the dart
Air restrictors are the three pronged pieces that have springs behind them pushing it against the dart supports. They are there only to limit the length the darts can be shot, all air (not spring) powered (Nerf) guns have them.
Pros: Better ranges, the dart won't pop out like it sometimes does with ARs in (note: this will only happen if the darts are really loose in the barrel). Cons: Louder, potential for messing up the gun if you don't know what you're doing.
well... it depends on the type of gun if it was a maverik then you have to open it up and take off the air restrictors by drilling through it , on the other hand if it was a longshot then you would have to take the gun apart. In my opinion the bigger the gun the harder to mod
the Nerf dart gun
of course, it is a Nerf gun isn't it? the streamline darts might pop out but if u chose to remove the air restrictors they will work just fine
The older ones are. the new ones are battery or spring powered.
if you want to store the gun with the clip loaded and the gun not cocked you need to fire the first dart (gun must be cocked to load clip) the spot in the handle allows you to store this dart
some things u can do are.. -Remove air restrictors -replace the barrel -replace or add another spring those are the 3 main ones, for more go to or another website like that