The Ants - lead singer Adam!
Artist = K7Song = Hi de Ho Album = Swing Batta Swing
During the days of sailing ships, long before the invention of fathometers and sonar, depth was measure by a crewmember standing in the front of the ship swinging a line to which was attached a lead cylinder. The line was knotted every six feet, and by counting the knots when the cylinder was on the bottom, depth could be determined in fathoms. To swing the lead, therefore, meant to check the depth of the waters into which the ship was sailing.In modern English "swinging the lead" means faking sickness so that you are excused from hard work. I suppose if you couldn't climb masts or heave anchors you got to check the depth...
to swing the lead
The word "brainwaves" can also refer to innovative or creative ideas or thoughts. In this context, it represents the activity or mental processes that lead to novel or inventive thinking.
dad, end, read, crossword, head, lead, band, bended, bend, bed, . . . . .
Doing a crossword? :Pi think the real name for lead ore is Gelena compound-PbS(So maybe the word is Gelena)
Swing dogs in a sled dog team typically stand behind the lead dogs and in front of the wheel dogs. They help with steering and maintaining speed during the run.
The motto of Phi Sigma Gamma is 'Mens et Manus'.
A swing is a cast member who is in charge of knowing many roles or "tracks" in the show. So when a lead is not performing that night, one of the understudies steps up into that role, and the swing covers all the understudy roles.
Those are called Newton's cradle or Newton's balls.
When The Gates Swing Open Verse: Through the years I keep on toiling, Toiling, through the storm and rain Watching and patiently waiting until my Savior come again I have waited Lord trusting in Your word Keep me from the path of sin Hide me in Your love Write my name above Chorus: When the gates swing open, I'll walk on in Verse: Teach me how to treat my neighbors Oh master; teach me how to love all my friends Oh, fill me with Your Holy Spirit For I need something to keep meLord, Until You come back again Hide me; hide me in Your love Oh master, write my name above