The Latin root mal means bad or evil. Doctors make use of the root mal to deal with all kinds of problems. An example is the word malfunction.
The most literal meaning is "servant of the dove". "Mal" is the Gaelic word for "servant". So the servant of St Colomba was the "Mal-Colomb". "Colomba" is a Latin name that means "dove".
The latin name is "mal aria", meaning "bad air".
'Mal-' is not usually found as a stem. More frequently, it is a prefix. It comes from Latin and means 'Bad'.
Mal means bad, or badly.
roughly i believe it means Genre and death, Evil lives (kind of a latin/french mix)
In latin: -mal, -male, malis In greek kako- or caco-
It means; Bad to the bone. Latin
Mal voisin means bad neighbour
full of many (things)
Darth maul mal is Spanish for bad, as in "not good." The opposite of good.