In internet acronyms, it means Light Bladder Leakage. It's like LOL or LMAO. LBL is a common abbreviation for "label" and may also mean "letter by letter" or "line by line."
The use of "xx" at the end of a letter or note typically represents kisses or affection. It is a common way to express love or closeness towards the recipient.
A is the common letter
S.W.A.K means 'Sealed With a Kiss' or 'Sent With a Kiss' and is or was common on the envelope containing a love letter.
The most common letter in Portuguese is "A".
The most common initial letter in English words is the letter "S".
Common nouns that start with the letter y:yardstickyarnyearbookyo-yoyogurt
Common nouns that start with the letter T include:tabtablettapetaxteateetelevisiontracertracktrackertriangletricktrickstertriketrinkettripletstubtubatuna
Age, bye, cue, die, foe, ire and she are 3 letter words with the letter e as the only common letter. Art, bet, gut, jot, nut and zit are 3 letter words with the letter t as the only common letter.
Turning in a letter of resignation means that one is terminating employment with one's current employer. The common length of time for notification of resignation is two weeks to the employer.
DAC is a three letter abbreviation with multiple uses:But can mean anything, depending on the context.See related link for a list of the most common.
Common garden plants that start with the letter p:pansypetuniaphlox