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It stands for sing.

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What does mp stand for when you sing?

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Who sing the song Stand By you?

Price Roy sings the song stand by me

Does Carrie Underwood sing I'll stand by you?

No. I'll Stand By You was sung by the great Chrissie Hynds.

What Stevie Wonder song did Cassius Clay sing?

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How do you sing to a wall?

You stand in front of it, and you let your vocal talent do the rest.

Where is the Stand Up And Sing For America in San Bruno California located?

The address of the Stand Up And Sing For America is: 1250 Bayhill Dr Ste 100, San Bruno, CA 94066-3079

Did Nickelback sing both Lullabye and you Stand Together?

Nickelback has these 2 songs. 1.) Lullaby 2.) When WE Stand Together.

When people stand up in a public place and sing like at a mall?


Name something they ask you to do at a church?

stand up be quiet pray sing

What does sing stand for in miss congeniality?

it means Stomach Instep Nose and Groins

Why is it that Jehovah's Witnesses do not stand and sing the Australian National Anthem at Schools?

we do not sing or stand for any national songs. we do not put our faith in them. we put our faith in jehovah(god). we also believe that our allegiance belongs to Jehovah, not men.

Are you supposed to sing through your throat?

You do sing from your throat but it is mostly down to your diaphragm that is why you should stand up straight when singing to project your voice and sing out. if you slouch your unable to achieve what you could standing up.