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It's called a tie or draw.

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Q: What do you call a game of tic tac toe that no one wins?
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A game or battle where no party wins?

Nuclear war... and tic-tac-toe.

What does the term tic-tac-toe mean?

Tic-tac-toe is a game in which two players take turns placing a circle or cross into a pound sign compartment. The first person to get three circles or crosses in a row wins the game.

What do the Americans call the game we know as noughts and crosses?

Americans typically refer to the game noughts and crosses as "Tic-tac-toe."

Why can't you win at tic tac toe every time?

Because your opponent is also trying to win. If both of you play correctly, the game will end in a draw. The first one who makes a mistake, the other one wins.

What is tic tac toe called in America?

We also call it tic tac toe!

Why in tic-tac-toe when there is a tie it's called a Cat's game?

Tic Tac Toe ties are called cats game because no matter how hard a cat tries to win against its tale it never wins and yet has fun.Another reason I believe in is The reason it is called a Cat's game is that usually when the game ends in a tie it will make a letter "c" in the game board.

What is a slogan for tic tac toe?

It's Not Just A Mint, It's A Tic-Tac

What is a game or battle where no party wins?

The Cold War was a protracted collection of battles and conflicts no one really one. Full nuclear release would be a battle no one could win. Tic Tac To is a game no winner can dominate for very long. Checkers between two accomplished players often has no winner.

What is a dried biscuit call?

hard tac

Who invented the game Tic-Tac-Toe?


What do you call the winner of tic-tac-toe?


What is a good team tac win loss ratio for Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare My clan has 70 wins 3 losses.?

Any ratio where the wins are above the losses is good, 70:3 is very good and well above average.