The unscrambled word is urbanization.(British/Australian/etc spelling: urbanisation)
The anagram is urbanization.
Search google for "upside down text" and then you'll find websites where you can turn letters around!
The letters with half turn symmetry in the alphabet are.......H, I, N, O, S, X, and Z.
It stands for Please Turn Over.
You can use your turn to make a word, pass, or exchange letters. If you put back any of your letters and draw new ones, you need to wait for your next turn to make a word.
The letters spell the word solated. It means to turn a liquid into a solid.
You can keep the tiles in a bag and draw when you need new letters from your turn. Another option, which I like, is to dump all the letters into the game box lid and draw the letters from there. If you use the lid, turn over and mix the letters before you start to play.
Yes, but that player can also switch any of their letters out for new letters if they decide to skip.
Caps Lock is for when you want to turn your lower case letters to CAPITALIZED LETTERS. When you press caps lock it will "Lock" or keep your letters in capitalized form, when you want to turn your letters back to lower case just simply hit the caps lock button again so it is not glowing.
Foxier nuts, Oxen Fruits, I turn Foxes.
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