

Best Answer
  • Oak
  • Oatmeal
  • Olive Green
  • Off-White
  • Office Green
  • Okra Green
  • Old Gold
  • Old Lace
  • Old Lavender
  • Old Rose
  • Olive
  • Olive Drab
  • Olivine
  • Opal
  • Orange
  • Orange Peel
  • Orange-Red
  • Orchid
  • Outer Space
  • Oxblood
  • Oxford Blue
  • Oyster
  • Outrageous Orange

Orange Olive Ocher/ochre oak
There is not an exact number. * orange * oatmeal * olive green * orchid * ocher (also spelled ochre) (reddsh yellow)
Some choices: Orange, ocher, olive
Olive, orchid

· Olive

· Olive Green (a Crayola Crayon color)

· Orange

· Orange Red (a former Crayola Crayon color retired in 1990)

· Orange Yellow (a former Crayola Crayon color retired in 1990)

· Orchid (a Crayola Crayon color)

· Outer Space (a Crayola Crayon color)

· Outrageous Orange (a Crayola Crayon color)

  • olive green
  • orchid
  • ocher

Orange, Ochre, Olive.
· Olive

· Olive Green (a Crayola Crayon color)

· Orange

· Orange Red (a former Crayola Crayon color retired in 1990)

· Orange Yellow (a former Crayola Crayon color retired in 1990)

· Orchid (a Crayola Crayon color)

· Outer Space (a Crayola Crayon color)

· Outrageous Orange (a Crayola Crayon color)

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11y ago
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12y ago
  • olive green
  • orchid
  • ocher
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14y ago
  • ochre
  • orange
  • orchid
  • oatmeal
  • olive green
  • off-white
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