

What can you do to scare someone?

Updated: 10/21/2022
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15y ago

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To scare your boyfriend when he just moves in with you... 1-Put a crib in the spare bedroom, then stare at it from time to time. 2-Turn off the light,then call on the telephone using your phone without letting your boyfriend seeing you. then pretend your scare to make it more affective.3-When the room is so dark and your boyfriend doesnt see anything slowly get out of the room without your boyfriend noticing.. more affective: if you have a rat put it in a jar then when the room is dark pretend your scared then first hold your boyfriend's hand then take your hands off then get the rat out of the jar then slowly hold your boyfriends hand then slowly releasing your hand

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No. It's a verb or an adjective, not a noun.

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you can scare someone in many different ways. It depends if they are a wimp or not. To see if they are a wimp; jump out from behind a bush. If they jump or scream then they are classed as wimps. Another way to scare someone is to lie down. Close your eyes and tell them to bend over and stare straight at your face. When you are ready, and it is an awkward moment open your eyes, mouth and scream! It will scare them half to death... hope this helps.

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On halloween When hiding to scare someone Calling someone you care for, like "babe"

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1. to scare someone 2. saying someone sucks 3.... idk anotha 1....

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Because on the movies that's the "sound" for the ghosts!!

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