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Air or light.

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Q: What can fill a room but takes no space?
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It can fill a room but takes no space it takes no time to travel place to place?

The answer to this riddle is "Light." Light can fill a room and illuminate it, yet it does not take up physical space and travels at the speed of light, making it appear instantaneous in its movement from place to place.

What can fill a room but use no space?

Light can fill a room without taking up physical space.

What is the script for the Verizon commercial where they say to not take up space but to fill the room?

" that moment you're not there to take up space, you're there to fill the room." -- Verizon TV Ad (Oct 2010)

What can fill room but take up no space?

How about air, or an odor, or sound.

What state of matter takes up the space of its container?

A gas takes up the space of its container because the particles are widely spaced and move freely. This allows them to spread out and fill the available space.

How do find out how much space a bed takes up in a room?

Find out the measurements of the bed and then measure that in the room.

Why is wind matter?

Wind is a mater because it takes up space. For example if I fill in a ballon with air the ballon takes up space. Also I can measure wind by putting the ballon on a scale

Something that takes up space?

An object or substance that physically occupies a specific volume is considered to take up space. This can include anything from furniture in a room to air in a balloon.

What is the past tense of the word crowded?

Crowded is the past tense of crowd (to fill a space leaving little room for movement).

How do you know the air you breath is matter even though you can't see it?

Matter has weight and takes up space. You know that air takes up space, because when you breath in, your lungs fill with air and expand. :) MoMMy.!

How do you know the air you breathe is matter even though you can't see it?

Matter has weight and takes up space. You know that air takes up space, because when you breath in, your lungs fill with air and expand. :) MoMMy.!

Does liquid takes up a definite amount of space?

Yes, a liquid does take up a definite amount of space, which is to say that it has a definite volume. A liquid takes the shape of its container but does not expand to fill it completely like a gas would.