Streamline foam darts with drum/clip. Or: if you are able to, manually load any other dart that can fit in the barrel, BUT this is not recommended.
Nerf alpha trooper
The Alpha Trooper far outperforms the deploy. Deploy comes with six-round clip. Alpha Trooper comes with 18-round drum. Deploy gets 27 ft. ranges out of the box. Alpha Trooper gets 33 ft. ranges out of the box. However, Alpha Trooper is only at target. Deploy is everywhere. Hope this makes the answer clearer.
The Alpha Trooper CS-18 costs around $22.99 at Zellers in Canada.
you cant it is basicly impossible i know because i tried and no sucsess
Get the Alpha Trooper, it has 18 rounds. The Barrel Break only has two rounds and has a slow reloading time.
Nerf Alph trooper is by far better
The alpha trooper is already out in Australia and i saw the barrel break in toys r us but there wasn't many of them.
It is only sold at Target
About 2' long
on may 15.