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Skating (United States) Sixten JERNBERG

Skiing (Sweden) Knut JOHANNESEN

Skating (Norway) Michael JOHNSON

Athletics (United States) * Earvin JOHNSON

Basketball (United States) * Michael Jordan

Basketball (United States) * Jackie JOYNER-KERSEE

Athletics (United States) * Alberto JUANTORENA

Athletics (Cuba) Daniel JANSEN

Skating (United States) Sixten JERNBERG

Skiing (Sweden) Knut JOHANNESEN

Skating (Norway) Michael JOHNSON

Athletics (United States) * Earvin JOHNSON

Basketball (United States) * Michael JORDAN

Basketball (United States) * Jackie JOYNER-KERSEE

Athletics (United States) * Alberto JUANTORENA

Athletics (Cuba)

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Q: What athlete's name starts with the letter j?
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