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X-Can (Xcan), Xadani (Santa Maria), Xalapa (Jalapa), Xalatlaco (Jalatiaco), Xalisco, Xalmimilulco (Santa Ana Xalmimilul), Xaloztoc, Xalpa (Ex-Hacienda de Xalpa), Xalpatlahuac, Xaltepec (San Miguel Xaltepec), Xaltianguis, Xaltocan (San Martin), Xico, Xicohtzinco, Xicotencatl, Xicotepec (Villa Juarez), Xilitla (Tenepango), Xiloxoxtla (San Vicente Xiloxoch), Xitla (Santa Cruz Xitla), Xiutetelco (San Juan Xiutetelco), Xochihuehuetlan, Xochiltenango (San Hipolito), Xochimanca (San Dieguito), Xochistlahuaca, Xochitepec (Xochiltepec), Xochitlan (Xochitlan Todos Sant), Xocotla, Xolalpa (San Sebastian Xolalp), Xoloc (San Mateo), Xometla, Xonacatlan (San Francisco), Xonatepec (Santa Maria Xonatepe), Xoxocotla, Xoxocotlan (Santa Cruz), Xoxtla (Estacion Xoxtla)

xalapa, xico, and xalisco are the main cities starting with x.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 10y ago

Xalapa is a city. It is the capital city of the Mexican state Veracruz. That is the only one I can find.

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โˆ™ 10y ago

Xalapa is a city in Mexico. It is the capital city of Veracruz, Mexico.

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โˆ™ 10y ago

Xalapa is a city in Mexico. It begins with the letter X.

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โˆ™ 11y ago

* Xicalango * Xpuhil (Xpuil) * Xochimilco

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โˆ™ 12y ago

ยท Acapulco, Mexico

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โˆ™ 13y ago


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Q: What are to places in Mexico that start with X.?
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this! my friend, is a trick question, as Mexico is a country.

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yes in Mexico xochimilco

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What places in Mexico start with an X?

There are a few city's in Mexico that starts with a X. There's Xalapa, Veracruz. Xcalak, Quintana Roo. Xico, Veracruz. Xochitepec de Juarez, Puebla. Xilitla, San Luis Potosi. Xochimilco, Distrito Federal. Last but not least, Xochitepec, Morelos.

What are two places in Mexico that begin with the letter X?

Xalapa is a city in Mexico. Xalatlaco is a town in Mexico State, Mexico.