Casual, visual, measure, exposure, pleasure, closure, vision, television, occasion, Asian
There are no words that start with ZH, here are some words that start with z:ZacatonZaddickZaffarsZaffersZaffirsZaffresZaggingZaikaisZamarraZamarroZananasZandersZaniestZanyishZapateoZappersZappierZappingZaptiahZaptiehZarebasZareebaZaribasZealotsZealousZeatinsZebecksZebraicZebranoZebrassZebrineZebroidZecchinZechinsZedoaryZelkovaZemstvaZemstvoZenaidaZenanasZenithsZeoliteZephyrsZeppoleZeppoliZeroingZestersZestfulZestierZestilyZestingZeugmasZibethsZiggingZigzagsZikuratZilchesZillahsZillionZincateZincifyZincingZinciteZinckedZincoidZincousZinganiZinganoZingaraZingareZingariZingaroZingersZingierZingingZinkifyZinniasZiplessZiplockZippersZippierZippingZirconsZithernZithersZizzledZizzlesZlotiesZlotychZoarialZoariumZocalosZodiacsZoeciumZoisiteZombiesZombifyZonallyZonatedZonkingZonulaeZonularZonulasZonulesZooeciaZoogenyZoogleaZooidalZooiestZoologyZoomingZooningZootierZootomyZorillaZorilleZorilloZostersZouavesZoysiasZydecosZygomasZygosesZygosisZygotesZygoticZymasesZymogenZymosanZymosesZymosisZymoticZymurgyZyzzyva
It sounds like the "J" sound at first, but the "J" sound is made by keeping your tongue loose in the front of your mouth while the "Zh" sound is made by curling your tongue so that the tip touches the middle of the roof of your mouth. After you curl your tongue, keep your teeth together and try saying "J" again and it will give you the "Zh" sound.
Boo-r-zh Kha-lee-fa Zh = 's' in pleasure. Kh = the guttural sound in "loch" or "chutzpah".
It is pronounced "zheng-joe." The "zh" sound is a voiced fricative similar to the "j" sound in "jam," followed by a short "e" vowel sound. The "zh" and "joe" syllables are pronounced with equal stress.
The letter "j" is typically pronounced like the "zh" sound in the word "measure."
In Western Apache, the word "money" is translated as "zhááli". It is pronounced "zh-ahh-lee". The "zh" is pronounced like the sound "z" makes in the word "azure".
The word "Jaures" is pronounced as "zhaw-rehs." The "zh" sound is similar to the "s" sound in "treasure," and the "aw" sounds like the vowel sound in "law."
Je t'aime is pronounced "zhuh tem" in French, with a soft "zh" sound at the beginning and the "em" sound at the end.
It sounds like "Jang" at first, but the "J" sound is made by keeping your tongue loose in the front of your mouth while the "Zh" sound is made by curling your tongue so that the tip touches the middle of the roof of your mouth. After you curl your tongue, keep your teeth together and try saying "Jang" again and it will give you the "Zh" sound.
It is pronounced as "zhuh swee zoh kahnt day-tay," with the 'zh' sound representing the French 'j' sound.
The name Janou is pronounced as "zhah-noo" with a soft "zh" sound like the 's' in "measure".
Zh. Gal has written: 'Chuluun sarlag'