The main rules of the number game Sudoku is the have one of every number in each line up , down and in each block. You can not have the same of any number in the same area on the board.
Sudoku (: Sudoku (:
The game you are thinking about it Sudoku The game you are thinking about it Sudoku
tanga kyo
An electronic Sudoku game costs $10 for a basic type. More advanced versions of electronic Sudoku with a touch screen or stylus could be as much as $100 or higher.
It's actually a very helpful game for the brainit makes the brain think and work to really make sudoku useful play a race with your friends to who finishes the sudoku first
It depends on which version of sudoku you are playing. Usually there is no time limit on sudoku, however on some electronic versions there will be an automatic timer and your game will reset.
Kakoru or kakuru is a cross between sudoku and crossnumbers puzzles. There's also "killer sudoku" which is just a larger grid size (12x12 or 16x16.)
All the rules to regular sudoku apply as well as each number in each "cage" (the boxes with dotted lines) must be unique and add up to the number inside the cage.
It makes your brain quicker.
Sudoku and Nano second, by bubbles4000 and Obbrogorium by superpiggy. :)
Sudoku is a game that requires players to fill squares with numbers so that every column, row, and large square contains the numbers from 1 to 9 without repetition. The word Sudoku stems from a Japanese phrase that means single digit.