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Do you mean "Jr." or "Sr." for Junior or Senior? They're called a SUFFIX. If you mean letters like "Ph.D", or "Ll D.", they're abbreviations for advanced degrees that this person holds - a "Ph. D", short for "Doctorate, Philosophical" (which very often has little to do with either Doctoring or Philosphy) is an advanced degree awareded in many fields. The standard sequence for post-secondary schooling in most of the west is: Bachelor's Degree (Arts or Sciences) - around 4 years Master's Degree - around 2 years Doctoral Degree - around 2, or more years, depending on subject The only other letters after names I'm familar with are things like "P.E.", which stands for Professional Engineer, or "CPA", Certified Public Accountant" - or medical ones like "FASB" and so on.

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Letters after a persons name represents a persons qualifications

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They are called post nomials

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