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Q: What are some words that end in consanant y?
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What are some words that start with a vowel and end in y?

Some words that start with a vowel and end in a Y are:animosityanyelectrifyenemyeveryexactlyonlyorneryuglyusury

Words that start with G and end with Y?

Some words that start with G and end with Y are:gabbygalaxygalleygaudygaygenealogygentlygeographygeologygeometryghastlyghostlygigglygiddygingerlyglorygoodygoofygorygraduallygravellygravelygravitygravygraygreedygullygummyguppyGuy

What 4 letter words end with the letter y?

Some four letter words that end with Y are:ablyahoyairyarmyawaybabybevybodyboxybuoyburybusycityclaycloycopycozydefydenydewydulydutyeasyeddyedgyenvyflayfoxyfrayfurygorygrayhazyholyickyidlyiffyinkyjoeyjurylacyladylazylevylilymanynarynavynosyobeyoilyokayonlyoozyorgypityplayployponypraypreypunyquayracyrelyrosyrubysexyslayspaysprystayswaytheytidytinytonytraytroyuglyvaryverywarywavywaxywheywilywiryzany

Is y a vowel or consonant in a word birthday?

Its a consanant in any word whatsoever

What are words that end in y and make the long i sound?

Some words that end in "y" and make the long i sound are rely, deny, and terrify.

Words that end in the vowel y and add es?

Some words that end in the vowel y and add es to form the plural are alley, journey, and key.

What is the proper use for a and an?

A and an are practically the same things except a is in front of nouns starting with *a consanant. An is used in front of vowels and for 2 exceptions back then(y and h). *That is an example ( a consanant ) ( an example is an example of an)

What word starts with y and ends with z?

There are words that end with z and begin with most letters. However, there are no words in the English language that begin with y and end with z.

What are some 4 letter words that begin with the letter D and end with the letter Y?

Here are some D _ _ Y words:DulyDenyDoryDrayDopyDoxyDavy

When do you change the y to an i?

Some words end in a consonant + y. To make them plural, change y to i and add es. Candy -> Candies

What are some words start with Y and end with A?

Some words that start with Y and end with A: yamalka. yamulka. yantra. yautia. yea. yenta. yerba. yeshiva. yoga. yokozuna. ytterbia. yttria. yuca. yucca. yuga. yurta.

Why and when do you use ies in some words that end in y and not in all the words?

When forming the plural of singular words that end in the letter Y, the Y is removed and replaced by IE, followed by the S. Examples : property / properties -- city / cities -- viscosity / viscosities