afterward. backward. coastward. downward. eastward. foreward. forward. frontward. froward. heavenward. homeward. inward. landward. leeward. northeastward. northward. northwestward. onward. outward. rearward. reward. seaward. shoreward. sideward. skyward. southeastward. southward. southwestward. spaceward. steward. straightforward. toward. untoward. upward. wayward. westward. windward.
Below are some examples that have no place on this list:
award, awkward, coward, greensward [= green sward, which is a lawn], sward [grass], henceforward [where the suffix is 'foreward'], untoward ['toward' with the prefix 'un-'], ward [a complete word, not a suffix].
In the other cases, ward is a suffix. Vaguely, it means something like 'in the direction of'.
Some words that end with the suffix 'fy' are:acidify.amplify.beautify.belfry.calcify.certify.clarify.classify.detoxify.dignify.electrify.emulsify.falsify.fortify.glorify.horrify.identify.intensify.justify.leafy.liquefy.magnify.mystify.notify.nullify.objectify.pacify.purify.qualify.quantify.ratify.rectify.sanctify.solidify.terrify.testify.typify.unify.verify.versify.vilify.vivify.
Some words that end or with suffix cain: cocain. marocain.
Words with the suffix ance:acceptanceappearancearroganceassistanceclearancecompliancecontinuancedisappearancedistanceeleganceentrancegrievancemaintenanceperformancepredominanceresistancetolerancesubstancetemperanceviligance
Some words that end with the suffix "idle" include inflexible, credible, and indivisible.
There are no common English words that end with the suffix "ankle".
Some words that end with the suffix "full" include beautiful, powerful, and careful.
Some words that end with the suffix "thy" include loyalty, honesty, and sympathy.
Some words that end with the suffix "iour" include behavior, humor, and flavor.
Some words that end with the suffix "ock" include: Frock Smock Shamrock Haddock
Some words that end with the suffix "cosm" are microcosm, macrocosm, and cosmos.