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Q: What are some word for describing a lagoon?
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Related questions

How do use the word lagoon in a sentence?

The lagoon was peaceful.This is the lagoon the pirates used to smuggle their goods.

What vowel is stressed in the word lagoon?

The vowel "a" is stressed in the word "lagoon."

How do you write a sentence using the word lagoon?

The lagoon was wet.

What part of speech is lagoon?

The word "lagoon" is a noun.

Can you give a sentence using the word lagoon?

Meet me at the lagoon! Let's go swimming in the lagoon. Look at that big crocodile in the lagoon!

What is sharks lagoon the ransom hint word?

The shark lagoon castle whispers hint word is shark lagoon castle.

What is the help word for the shark lagoon game teasing?

The help word for Shark Lagoon's game teasing holidays is bike.

What is the help word for shark's lagoon Teasing Holidays?

The help word for Shark Lagoon's game teasing holidays is bike.

What is describing word?

An adjective is a describing word.

What is the Romanian word for lagoon?


What is the help word for shark lagoon's game teasing holidays?

The help word for Shark Lagoon's game teasing holidays is bike.

What are lagoon and homophones?

A lagoon is a swampy lake. A homophone is a word that sounds the same but spelled differently.