A toaster, a table, towels, toilets, tape, tangerines, trophies, toys, tiles, televisions, ties, a teenager, tippex, Teflon, teabags, tampons, T-shirts, tuna, turmeric, teacups, teapots, tags, tops, toothpaste, toothbrushes, Tylenol, Tango, toffee, and a Texta. Good times, good times... Textas FTW!
Anchovies are very salty. They start with the letter a.
Some nouns for things that start with the letter A are:acornanchorankleappleargumentazaleaSome nouns for places that start with the letter A are: AfricaAnnapolisArabian DesertArizonaArctic CircleAustralia
Some things (nouns) that start with the letter I are:ibisiceicebergice creamicicleicingiconidideaidiomidiotignoranceillusionimaginationimpulseinchincisorindependenceingotinquiryinspirationinventioninvitationionireiridesenceirisiritationironivory
Small things that start with the letter s:saltsandsawdustscrewseedsleetslugsnailsparkspeckstone
Some things that start with the letters AT are:atomattonementattractionatmosphereatticattitudeattackattorneyatollatriumatlas
toe, telopia
zipper your coat