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Shannon, Severn, Seine, Shenandoah, Sava, Somme, Swan, Swanee, Sheep, Susquehanna
Shannon, Stour, Severn
Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania
Snake River, located in Idaho, my home state.
· Saginaw (Michigan)

· Salt (Arizona)

· Seine (France)

· Severn (UK)

· Shenandoah (Virginia, West Virginia)

· Skokie (Illinois)

· Snake (Colorado)

· St. Lawrence (New York)
· Saginaw River (Michigan)

· Salt River (Arizona)

· Saone River (France)

· Scheldt River (France, Belgium, Netherlands)

· Seine River (France)

· Severn River (UK)

· Shenandoah River (Virginia, West Virginia)

· Skokie River (Illinois)

· Snake River (Colorado)

· Snowy River (Australia)

· St. Lawrence River (New York)
Sepik River in Papua New Guinea.

The Seine River in Paris, France.

The Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania.

Swan River in Perth, Western Australia

Shoalhaven River in NSW, Australia

Snowy River in NSW, Australia

Savage River in Tasmania, Australia

St Lawrence Seaway in Canada

Shannon River in Ireland

Swanee River (as in the song Way down upon the Swanee River)

River Styx (as in Greek mythology)

The Somme in Picardy in northern France

Shenandoah River, a tributary of the Potomac
· Saginaw (Michigan)

· Salt (Arizona)

· Seine (France)

· Severn (UK)

· Shenandoah (Virginia, West Virginia)

· Skokie (Illinois)

· Snake (Colorado)

· St. Lawrence (New York)

Saginaw River (Michigan), Salt River (Arizona), Seine River (France), Snake River (Colorado), Snowy River (Australia) and St. Lawrence River (New York) are rivers. They start with the letter S.

· Saginaw (Michigan)

· Salt (Arizona)

· Shenandoah (Virginia, West Virginia)

· Skokie (Illinois)

· Snake (Colorado)

· St. Lawrence (New York)
Snake; Shannon; Stour (Dorset & Suffolk in UK) Shennendoah; Soane; Severn; Seine...
Severn and Senegal are the only two which spring to mind, but try looking through something like this:
Shannon Severn Seine Shennandoah Sava Somme Swan Swannee Sheep

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βˆ™ 15y ago

The River Severn (UK)

The River Seine (France)

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