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Call up a random person in the hotel and talk in a foreign language When you check out leave the heater blasting if its the summer or the ac on full if its in the winter Leave one of the little bottles of shampoo outside of another room's door with a note that says "You're gonna need it."

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15y ago
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13y ago

1. Some people come to their hotel late and put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on their door. Go and switch everyones around to "Maid Service Please".

And it's especially funny if they are having some "fun" with someone. TEE-HEE

2. Make posters/papers such as "Party tonight at room #[insert a room number that isn't your own]" and post them up on elevators. For extra fun put the room number NEXT to yours.-FUN RATING- 8.5

3. Put slips of papers under people's hotel doors saying stuff like, "What do you think of MTV nowadays?" or "Isn't Aerosmith the greatest band ever?" or "Britney better get her act together!"- FUN RATING- 7.5

4.Take a BUNCH of your towels and unfold them, mess them up, etc. Put a note on them that says, "CLEAN THESE!" and open the elevator toss them in and put the note on it. Then send it to the lobby. MAKE SURE YOU GET OUT! For extra fun race down to the bottom and watch people's reactions. Make sure you put enough towels.- FUN RATING- 9.7

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8y ago

fake blood on the sheets...

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Q: What are some pranks to pull at a HOTEL?
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Some pranks to do at home could be: Simple prank call -- This is NOT recommended since people do have caller ID plus the Phone Company can trace the call. Harassment calling is illegal. Switch the pepper to the salt shaker. Knock and run.