Some words that start with the prefix counter:
counteract. counteraction. counteractive. counterargument. counterattack. counterattraction. counterbalance. counterblast. counterblow. counterbombardment. counterbore. counterchallenge. counterchange. countercharge. countercheck. counterclaim. counterclockwise. countercoup. counterculture. countercurrent. counterdemonstration. counterespionage. counterexample. counterfactual. counterfeit. counterfire. counterfoil. counterglow. counterinsurgency. counterintelligence. counterintuitive. counterirritant. counterman. countermarch. countermeasure. countermine. countermove. counteroffensive. counteroffer. counterpane. counterpart. counterperson. counterplan. counterplay. counterplea. counterplot. counterpoint. counterpoise. counterpoison. counterpose. counterproductive. counterproposal. counterpunch. counterreformation. counterrevolution. countershot. countersign. countersink. counterspy. counterstain. counterstrike. countersubversion. countersuit. countertenor. counterterror. countertop. countertransference. countervail. counterweight. counterwoman.
Words with the prefix contra include contrary, contradict, and contraband. Words with the prefix counter include counteract, counterfeit, and counterbalance.
Words that start with the prefix af:AfroAffairAfterAfghanAfoulAfraidAffordAforeAfootAffirm
Some words that start with the prefix enter: enteralgia, enterogastrone, enterohepatitis, and enteropathogenic.
Some words that have the prefix 'vit' are:vitalvitalisevitalityvitaminvitreousvitriolvitriolicvitaevittlesvituperate
Some words with the prefix "mas" include mass, master, and mascara.
Some words that start with the prefix "intra" include intranet, intracellular, intrastate, and intramural.
surtax, surface, surrealist, surfeit,and those are some words that start with the prefix sur.
Some words that start with the prefix "cred" are credibility, credit, and credential.
Some words that start with the prefix "jur" are jurisdiction, jury, and juror.
Some words with the prefix 'sep' are septic, September, and septuagenarian. Some words with the prefix 'hep' are hepatitis, heptathlon, and heptathlete.
Some words that start with the prefix "agere" include agitate, agent, and agile.
Examples of words with the prefix 'syn' are:synagoguesynapsesynchronizesyndicationsyndromesynergysynonymsynonymoussyntaxsynthesizesyntheticsynonym, synthetic, synchronize