

Best Answer
  • gabby
  • gainful
  • gala
  • galactic
  • gallant
  • galling
  • galore
  • galvanic
  • galvanized
  • gambling
  • gamesome
  • gamy
  • gangling
  • gangly
  • gaping
  • garbled
  • gargantuan
  • garish
  • garrulous
  • gaseous
  • gasping
  • gassy
  • gastric
  • gauche
  • gaudy
  • gaunt
  • gauzy
  • gawky
  • gay
  • geeky
  • gelatinous
  • general
  • generational
  • generic
  • generous
  • genetic
  • genial
  • genteel
  • gentile
  • gentle
  • gentleman
  • gentlemanly
  • gentler
  • genuine
  • geographic
  • geographical
  • geological
  • geometric
  • geometrical
  • geopolitical
  • geothermal
  • geriatric
  • germane
  • germy
  • ghastly
  • ghetto
  • ghostlike
  • ghostly
  • ghoulish
  • giant
  • giddy
  • gifted
  • gigantic
  • giggly
  • gilded
  • gilt
  • gimmicky
  • ginger
  • gingerly
  • ginormous
  • girlie
  • girlish
  • girly
  • given
  • giving
  • glacial
  • glad
  • glamorized
  • glamorous
  • glaring
  • glass
  • glassy
  • gleam
  • gleaming
  • gleeful
  • glib
  • glimmering
  • glisten
  • glistening
  • glittering
  • glittery
  • gloating
  • global
  • gloomy
  • glorified
  • glorious
  • glossy
  • glowing
  • glum
  • glutenous
  • glutinous
  • gluttonous
  • gnarled
  • God-fearing
  • God-forsaken
  • godless
  • godlike
  • godly
  • gold
  • golden
  • golden gold
  • good
  • good-hearted
  • good-humored
  • good-looking
  • good-natured
  • good looking
  • goodly
  • gooey
  • goofy
  • gorgeous
  • gory
  • gossamer
  • goth
  • gothic
  • gourmet
  • governing
  • governmental
  • graceful
  • gracious
  • grade
  • gradual
  • graduate
  • grainy
  • grammatical
  • grand
  • grandiose
  • grandly
  • granular
  • graphic
  • grassy
  • grateful
  • gratifying
  • grating
  • gratis
  • gratuitous
  • grave
  • gravest
  • gray (also spelled grey)
  • grayer
  • grayish
  • greasy
  • great
  • greedy
  • Greek
  • green
  • greenest
  • greenish
  • gregarious
  • grieving
  • grievous
  • grilled
  • grim
  • grimy
  • gripping
  • grisly
  • gritty
  • grizzly
  • groggy
  • groovy
  • gross
  • grotesque
  • grouchy
  • ground
  • grounded
  • groundless
  • grown
  • grubbing
  • grubby
  • grueling
  • gruesome
  • gruff
  • grumpy
  • guard
  • guarded
  • guided
  • guilt-free
  • guiltless
  • guilty
  • gullible
  • gummy
  • gunky
  • gurgling
  • gushing
  • gushy
  • gustatory
  • gusty
  • gutless
  • gutsy
  • guttural
  • guy-like
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Q: What are some adjectives that begin with the letter G?
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What are some sdjectives that begin with the letter G?

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What are some adjectives that describe a dog and begin with the letter G?

Some dogs are gargantuan. Some dogs are gentle.

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Singapore is geographic. Singapore is grandiose.