There are several. Some are "troublemakers", "triceratopses", and "technologists". Check the link in the related links section for a full list, the list is only 13 letter words that begin with T. Not 4 syllable words.
Some four syllable words beginning with U are:UnderstandingUnicycleUnluckily
Some examples of 4-syllable words starting with "L" are laboratory, legitimate, legislative, and luminosity.
Some four syllable words beginning with 'D' are:DictionaryDesolationDissertationDirectoryDandelionDelectableSome five syllable words beginning with 'D' are:DeterminationDiagonallyDifferentiateDecontaminate
Some examples of 4-letter, 2-syllable words include: easy, four, able, that, here, mind, jump, know.
Some four letter words that start with I are:ibexibisicedideainchintoisn'titch
assimilation conscientiousness creativity diagnostician electricity humiliation mathematical opportunity popularity similarity incredulity pediatrician perpendicular unbelievable university vocabulary