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Q: What are huevos rellenos stuffed with?
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George Lopez on HBO says chili leanos what does it mean?

I think he was talking about chili rellenos which are chilies skinned, stuffed with cheese and fried in a batter.

What kind of pepper used for Chile rellenos?

A stuffed, usually cheese, and fried poblano pepper. Dish is Mexican.

What are some Guatemala foods?

Picado de Rabano (Raddish Salad) Arroz Guatemalteco (Guatemalan rice)Pepinos Rellenos (stuffed cucumbers)Pan de Banano (Banana Bread)

What mean camarones de queso?

Camarones are shrimp. Queso means cheese. I'm not sure what camarones de queso is, but camarones rellenos de queso is shrimp stuffed with cheese.

Where are chiles rellenos made?

This wonderful recipe is a Mexican staple. Poblano or Anaheim green chilies are roasted, skinned, stuffed with cheese, meat, or various other ingredients, dipped in egg, and then fried in lard.

What is huevos in spanish?

huevos means eggs in English.

When was Huevos - album - created?

Huevos - album - was created in 1987-10.

How do you say boiled eggs in spanish?

huevos hervidos

When was Rasta Mis Huevos created?

Rasta Mis Huevos was created in 1992.

Is chorizo con huevos a noun?

Yes and no, its something to eat. Chorizo is a Sausage and huevos are egg. Con is Spanish for and. So chorizo and huevos are nouns.

What is a Spanish dish for a Spanish holiday?

Mole (chili sauce), chiles rellenos (stuffed chilis), pozole (boiled barley and beans), tacos fritos (fried 'tacos'), enchiladas (maize pancakes with chili), capirotada, tamales, uchepos, or curundas.

What is the duration of Huevos de oro?

The duration of Huevos de oro is 1.58 hours.