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It is hard to say that anything started with the letter "f" because it would usually be translated as "pH" (being closer to the Greek letter phi), but anything you could phonetically spell with a pH could also be spelled with an f, so some words would be: Fos (light), fanari (beacon), fimi (fame), and fantasma (ghost or spirit).

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13y ago
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4y ago
that's not that help ful
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13y ago

Homer the poet?

I presume you mean ancient greek words that start with an H when written in English.

Well, these would be greek words starting with a vowel or an r that should be pronounced with an aspiration. Those letters would have the daseia diacritic marked above them to signify that they should be read in rough breathing.

e.g (Όμηρος -------> Homer

(Ύπνωσις -------> Hypnosis

(Ρόδος -------> Rhodes

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12y ago

ostracism: exluding, banishing someone from the society who was suspected to become a tyrant. (the Greeks voted for the person by writing his name on a piece of clay; the person who got his name on the most pieces was exiled.)

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13y ago

democratic government, Diomede ( a Greek) Darius the king

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9y ago

In Greek mythology Uranus was the Greek god of the heavens.

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Jade Padasdao

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4y ago

Rhodes, an island that belonged to ancient Greece, but is now in southern Italy.

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