

Best Answer

NOUN: abruptness, amazement, astonishment, astoundment, attack, awe, bewilderment, bombshell, consternation, curiosity, curveball, disappointment, disillusion, epiphany, eureka, eye-opener, fortune, godsend, incredulity, jolt, kick, marvel, miracle, miscalculation, phenomenon, portent, precipitance, precipitation, precipitousness, prodigy, rarity, revelation, shock, start, stupefaction, suddenness, thunderbolt, unexpected, unforeseen, whammy, wonder, wonderment

VERB: amaze, astound, awe, bewilder, blow away, bowlover, cause wonder, confound, confuse,consternate, daze, dazzle, discomfit, disconcert,dismay, dumbfound, electrify, flabbergast, floor,jar, jolt, leave aghast, leave open-mouthed,nonplus, overwhelm, perplex, petrify, rattle, rock,shake up, shock, spring something on, stagger,startle, strike dumb, strike with awe, stun,stupefy, take aback, take one's breath away,throw a curve, unsettle

ANSWER: astonishment, amazement, wonder, disbelief, shock, revelation, bolt from the blue, disclosure, bombshell (informal), shocker (informal)

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Is surprise a conjunction?

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Is gosh a conjunction?

No, "gosh" is not a conjunction. It is an interjection used to express surprise, shock, or amazement. Conjunctions are words that connect phrases, clauses, or sentences.

Is surprising a noun?

Yes. It can be used as a noun or verb. noun: To my surprise, that was not the case at all. verb: Did he surprise you with his tone? The word surprise is also an adjective. adjective: He knocked the champion back with a surprise left.

Is surprised a noun?

Yes. It can be used as a noun or verb. noun: To my surprise, that was not the case at all. verb: Did he surprise you with his tone? The word surprise is also an adjective. adjective: He knocked the champion back with a surprise left.