

What are all the curse words a-z?

Updated: 10/5/2023
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11y ago

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Typing swear words onto the WikiAnswers website is against the Terms of Use which forbids profanities and vulgarities. Therefore, we cannot provide to you a list of all swear words. Please see the Terms of Use at this link:

It is important to note that what is considered offensive as swear words in one country or culture may be acceptable in other countries or cultures. Therefore, no list would ever be correct because you (or I) or another reader may be in a country that does not use the term as swearing.

Also, any child above age 8 years old has likely already heard most words that are considered "swearing" per US standards. However, moral and religous standards may differ even about the mildest forms of swearing.

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Beacause curse words are in the bibile

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What are all the words in the English language?

It's difficult to list all of the curse words in the English language, because curse words differ quite heavily based on the country -or even the city- that you live in. For example, what someone in the U.K. may find offensive may simply be a normal, mundane word to an American.