A South American animal beginning with an L is a llama. The domesticated llama is used as a meat and pack animal by people in the Andes.
North America, South America, and Europe do not start with the letter "A."
Iguana of course
North America, South America and Europe.EuropeNorth AmericaSouth AmericaIf you include the root word, then North America, South America and Europe. If not, then just Europe.Europe, North America, and South AmericaOceania and Europe are the only ones unless you count N and S America oceania?!its North America, South America and Europe.North America!South America!Europe!Hope that helped.Europe,north America,south America
South Carolina and South Dakota are U.S. states. They begin with the letter S.
Anteater, Amazon Morpho Butterfly and Assassin Bugs are found in Latin America. They begin with the letter a.
· Neuquen, Argentina
There are two countries in South America that start with a P. The two are Paraguay and Peru.
Some animals that start with the letter "U" include the umbrella bird, the urial (a type of wild sheep found in Asia), and the uakari (a type of monkey found in South America).
Uruguay is a country in South America. Uberaba is a city in Brazil. Upata is a city in Venezuela.
Not all continents start with the letter A. The continents that do start with the letter A are Africa, Antarctica, and Australia. The other continents are Asia, Europe, North America, and South America.
· Nutria (South American rodent)
Australia, Africa, Antarctica, Asia (North and South America if counting "America)