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Q: What alignment would Jack Bauer have in Dungeons and Dragons?
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How can I make my dungeons and dragons character a bladesinger?

Advanced Dungeons and Dragons you would have to get the Elves hand book for those type of things....

In dungeons and dragons if you like to go in guns a blazing what would be the best class for you?

Barbarian is your class.

Can you be both a dungeon master and a player while playing Dungeons and Dragons?

No you cannot, it would give you an unfair advantage as a player.

Where can you get everything you need to play Dungeons and Dragons?

You can get that stuff from 'wizards of the coast' on-line or from your local nerd store such as 'Fusion Odyssey'. Another place would be a store like uncle's games and puzzles that sells board games, cards, puzzles, dungeons and dragons stuff and all manner of interesting pastimes

What does bloodied mean on dungeons and dragons?

Bloodied refers to the status of a character in 4th Edition Dungeons and Dragons when the current hit points (HP) drop below half the maximum hit points. Ex A Goblin with 23 hit points at full, would be bloodied at 11 hit points or less. Some abilities trigger when a character or monster becomes bloodied.

What has the author Joan Hake Robie written?

Joan Hake Robie has written: 'The truth about Dungeons & dragons' -- subject(s): Dungeons and dragons (Game), Occultism, Psychological aspects, Psychological aspects of Dungeons and dragons (Game) 'Reverse the curse in your life' -- subject(s): Occultism, Blessing and cursing 'A bucket of finger lickin's' -- subject(s): Quotations 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles exposed!' -- subject(s): Violence in mass media, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Fictitious characters), Mass media and children 'If I Only Knew...What Would Jesus Do?'

What is the hardest mmorpg?

I would say the free to play Dungeons and dragons... there is about 6 ranks in 1 lvl and you get NOTHING for a rank up... so it takes about 2 hours to get to lvl 2

What is the game called were you use wizards and other mythical creatures to fight?

There are several. If you mean a board game, Dungeons & Dragons would be what you're looking for. As for video games, there are too many to list...

Where would you find dungeons in pearl?

There are no dungeons in Pokémon Pearl.

How would you make a child npc in dungeons and dragons?

Simply give the child a personality, and assign it as a minion or a low hp (and low bloodied value) so it is more realistic. (ex., 5 hp bloodied 4)

What dungeons and dragons alignment would an INTP be?

INTP is part of the Meyers Briggs temperament system. This system measures a person's temperament. Only the last letter resembles anything like alignment. INTP means Introverted, intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving. The opposite is ESFJ which means Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging. Within the game system of D&D the E-I pole would affect charisma. Extroverted means higher charisma. I is likely to be lower. The N-S pole and the T-F poles would affect intelligence. I think NT would be high intelligence. The P-J pole might affect alignment. P would mean more chaotic. J would mean more lawful. So INTP would be more likely for a chaotic character with high intelligence and low charisma all other things being equal.

Which technician would be used for an used car wheel alignment?

An alignment tech.An alignment tech.