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2-letter words


4-letter words

exam, exec, exes, exit, exon, expo

5-letter words

exact, exalt, exams, excel, execs, exert, exile, exine, exist, exits, exons, expel, expos, extol, extra, exude, exult, exurb

6-letter words

exacta, exacts, exalts, examen, exarch, exceed, excels, except, excess, excide, excise, excite, excuse, exedra, exempt, exequy, exerts, exeunt, exhale, exhort, exhume, exiled, exiles, exilic, exines, exists, exited, exodoi, exodos, exodus, exogen, exonic, exotic, expand, expect, expels, expend, expert, expire, expiry, export, expose, exsect, exsert, extant, extend, extent, extern, extoll, extols, extort, extras, exuded, exudes, exults, exurbs, exuvia

7-letter words

exactas, exacted, exacter, exactly, exactor, exalted, exalter, examens, examine, example, exarchs, exarchy, exceeds, excepts, excerpt, excided, excides, excimer, exciple, excised, excises, excited, exciter, excites, exciton, excitor, exclaim, exclave, exclude, excreta, excrete, excused, excuser, excuses, execute, exedrae, exegete, exempla, exempts, exergue, exerted, exhaled, exhales, exhaust, exhibit, exhorts, exhumed, exhumer, exhumes, exigent, exilian, exiling, existed, exiting, exocarp, exoderm, exogamy, exogens, exordia, exosmic, exotica, exotics, exotism, expands, expanse, expects, expends, expense, experts, expiate, expired, expirer, expires, explain, explant, explode, exploit, explore, exports, exposal, exposed, exposer, exposes, exposit, expound, express, expulse, expunge, exscind, exsects, exserts, extends, extents, externe, externs, extinct, extolls, extorts, extract, extrema, extreme, extrude, exudate, exuding, exulted, exurban, exurbia, exuviae, exuvial, exuvium

8-letter words

exacters, exactest, exacting, exaction, exactors, exalters, exalting, examined, examinee, examiner, examines, exampled, examples, exanthem, exarchal, excavate, exceeded, exceeder, excelled, excepted, excerpts, excessed, excesses, exchange, exciding, excimers, exciples, excising, excision, excitant, exciters, exciting, excitons, excitors, exclaims, exclaves, excluded, excluder, excludes, excretal, excreted, excreter, excretes, excursus, excusers, excusing, execrate, executed, executer, executes, executor, exegeses, exegesis, exegetes, exegetic, exemplar, exemplum, exempted, exequial, exequies, exercise, exergual, exergues, exerting, exertion, exertive, exhalant, exhalent, exhaling, exhausts, exhibits, exhorted, exhorter, exhumers, exhuming, exigence, exigency, exigible, exiguity, exiguous, eximious, existent, existing, exitless, exocarps, exocrine, exoderms, exoduses, exoergic, exogamic, exonumia, exorable, exorcise, exorcism, exorcist, exorcize, exordial, exordium, exosmose, exospore, exoteric, exotisms, exotoxic, exotoxin, expanded, expander, expandor, expanses, expected, expedite, expelled, expellee, expeller, expended, expender, expensed, expenses, experted, expertly, expiable, expiated, expiates, expiator, expirers, expiries, expiring, explains, explants, explicit, exploded, exploder, explodes, exploits, explored, explorer, explores, exponent, exported, exporter, exposals, exposers, exposing, exposits, exposure, expounds, expresso, expulsed, expulses, expunged, expunger, expunges, exscinds, exsecant, exsected, exserted, extended, extender, extensor, exterior, external, externes, extincts, extolled, extoller, extorted, extorter, extracts, extrados, extremer, extremes, extremum, extrorse, extruded, extruder, extrudes, extubate, exudates, exultant, exulting, exurbias, exuviate

9-letter words

exactable, exactions, exactness, exaltedly, examinant, examinees, examiners, examining, exampling, exanimate, exanthema, exanthems, exarchate, exarchies, excavated, excavates, excavator, exceeders, exceeding, excellent, excelling, excelsior, excepting, exception, exceptive, excerpted, excerpter, excerptor, excessing, excessive, exchanged, exchanger, exchanges, exchequer, excipient, excisable, exciseman, excisemen, excisions, excitable, excitants, excitedly, excitonic, exclaimed, exclaimer, excluders, excluding, exclusion, exclusive, excoriate, excrement, excreters, excreting, excretion, excretory, exculpate, excurrent, excursion, excursive, excusable, excusably, execrable, execrably, execrated, execrates, execrator, executant, executers, executing, execution, executive, executors, executory, executrix, exegetist, exemplars, exemplary, exemplify, exempting, exemption, exercised, exerciser, exercises, exergonic, exertions, exfoliate, exhalants, exhalents, exhausted, exhauster, exhibited, exhibitor, exhorters, exhorting, exigences, exigently, existence, existents, exocrines, exocyclic, exodermis, exodontia, exoenzyme, exogamies, exogamous, exogenous, exonerate, exorcised, exorciser, exorcises, exorcisms, exorcists, exorcized, exorcizes, exordiums, exosmoses, exosphere, exospores, exostoses, exostosis, exoticism, exotoxins, expanders, expanding, expandors, expansion, expansive, expatiate, expectant, expecting, expedient, expedited, expediter, expedites, expeditor, expellees, expellers, expelling, expenders, expending, expensing, expensive, experting, expertise, expertism, expertize, expiating, expiation, expiators, expiatory, explained, explainer, explanted, expletive, expletory, explicate, explicits, exploders, exploding, exploited, exploiter, explorers, exploring, explosion, explosive, exponents, exporters, exporting, exposited, expositor, exposures, expounded, expounder, expressed, expresser, expresses, expressly, expressos, expulsing, expulsion, expulsive, expungers, expunging, expurgate, exquisite, exscinded, exsecants, exsecting, exsertile, exserting, exsertion, exsiccate, extempore, extenders, extending, extensile, extension, extensity, extensive, extensors, extenuate, exteriors, extermine, externals, extincted, extirpate, extollers, extolling, extolment, extorters, extorting, extortion, extortive, extracted, extractor, extradite, extrality, extravert, extremely, extremest, extremism, extremist, extremity, extricate, extrinsic, extrovert, extruders, extruding, extrusion, extrusive, extubated, extubates, exuberant, exuberate, exudation, exudative, exultance, exultancy, exuviated, exuviates

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โˆ™ 11y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago

Most of the words in the dictionary are scabble words. Examples include expensive explanation existing externally. Excessive extraction excludes extra extermination.

10 words that answers your questions within 2 sentences of 11 words.

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Q: What Scrabble words start with the letters ex?
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Some words that start with the prefix "ex" are: exclaim, explore, extend, and exclude.

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What words start withe prefix ex?

The prefix ex means out of; outside of; from. Some words that start with the prefix ex are: excavate, exchange, exclude, excrete, exfoliate, exhale, expel, expend, extern, external, extinct, extortion, extreme, extremity, extrude, exude, and so on. The prefix ex also means former, and in this case it is hypenated: ex-friend, ex-spouse, ex-Muslim.

How do you introduce an example in a paragraph?

perferable you do ex. in smller letters than the words you right down and in front of the word you write, like this: ex. "Blah, Blah, Blah"

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