There are no English Scrabble words that end with IJ.
There are no legal English Scrabble words that end with that combination of letters.
Some Scrabble words that end with 'irt' are:dirtflirtshirtskirtsquirt
There are no scrabble words that end with the letters iy.
Some words that end with the letters 'sh' are:accomplishadmonishashbrashblushbanishbearishboorishblondishblemishblackishbrownishbullishburnishbrushcrashcherishclashcashdashembellishestablisheyelashfurnishfeverishfinishflourishfoolishflashflushfreshfurbishgarishgirlishghoulishhashhairbrushhushinrushkiddishknishlashmashmeshmushnourishnosholdishoffishposhpushparishperishpublishpolishpurplishquashrashrefurbishrefreshsashslashsmashstashsquishsuccotashsquashsquarishsqueamishskirmishskittishtarnishtoothbrushvarnishvanishwashwishuppish
There are no words that end in "SV".
There are no English words that end with the letters EJ.
wierdo hairdo
No, the word "tent" does not have a silent letter. All the letters in "tent" are pronounced when saying the word.