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2-letter words

ae, al, am, an, ar, at, ba, be, bo, ef, el, em, en, er, et, fa, la, lo, ma, me, mo, mu, na, ne, no, nu, oe, of, om, on, or, re, ta, to, um, un, ut

3-letter words

ace, act, aft, alb, ale, alt, amu, ane, ant, arb, arc, are, arf, arm, art, ate, bal, bam, ban, bar, bat, bel, ben, bet, boa, boo, bot, bra, bum, bun, bur, but, cab, cam, can, car, cat, cob, col, con, coo, cor, cot, cub, cue, cum, cur, cut, ear, eat, eau, ecu, eft, elf, elm, emu, eon, era, ern, eta, fan, far, fat, fem, fen, fer, fet, feu, flu, fob, foe, fon, for, fou, fro, fub, fun, fur, lab, lac, lam, lar, lat, lea, let, leu, lob, loo, lot, lum, mac, mae, man, mar, mat, mel, men, met, moa, mob, mol, mon, moo, mor, mot, mun, mut, nab, nae, nam, neb, net, nob, nom, noo, nor, not, nub, nut, oaf, oar, oat, obe, oca, oft, ole, one, oot, ora, orb, orc, ore, ort, our, out, ram, ran, rat, reb, rec, ref, rem, ret, rob, roc, roe, rom, rot, rub, rue, rum, run, rut, tab, tae, tam, tan, tao, tar, tau, tea, tel, ten, toe, tom, ton, too, tor, tub, tun, urb, urn, uta

4-letter words

abet, able, abut, acme, acne, acre, aeon, aero, alec, alef, alme, aloe, alto, alum, ambo, amen, ante, arco, arum, atom, aunt, auto, bale, balm, bane, bare, barf, barm, barn, bate, beam, bean, bear, beat, beau, belt, bema, bent, berm, beta, blae, blam, blat, blet, bloc, blot, blue, blur, boar, boat, bola, bole, bolo, bolt, bone, boom, boon, boor, boot, bora, bore, born, bort, bota, bout, brae, bran, brat, bren, broo, brut, bumf, bunt, bura, burl, burn, cafe, calf, calm, came, cane, cant, carb, care, carl, carn, cart, cate, caul, celt, cent, cero, clam, clan, clef, clon, clot, club, clue, coal, coat, coft, cola, cole, colt, coma, comb, come, cone, coof, cool, coon, coot, core, corf, corm, corn, cote, crab, cram, cube, culm, cult, curb, cure, curf, curl, curn, curt, cute, earl, earn, ebon, ecru, elan, enol, etna, euro, face, fact, fame, fane, fano, fare, farl, farm, faro, fate, faun, feal, fear, feat, felt, fern, feta, flab, flam, flan, flat, flea, floc, floe, flub, flue, foal, foam, font, fool, foot, fora, forb, fore, form, fort, foul, four, frae, frat, fret, froe, from, fuel, fume, furl, lace, lamb, lame, lane, late, leaf, lean, lear, left, leno, lent, loaf, loam, loan, lobe, lobo, loca, loco, loft, lone, loof, loom, loon, loot, lore, lorn, lota, lour, lout, lube, luce, luna, lune, lunt, lure, lute, mabe, mace, male, malt, mane, mano, marc, mare, marl, mart, mate, maul, maun, maut, meal, mean, meat, melt, meno, menu, meou, merl, meta, moan, moat, mola, mole, molt, mono, mool, moon, moor, moot, mora, more, morn, mort, mote, moue, mule, muon, mura, mure, mute, nabe, name, narc, near, neat, nema, neum, noel, nolo, noma, nome, norm, nota, note, numb, nurl, Oboe, obol, olea, oleo, omen, omer, once, onto, oral, orca, orle, race, raft, rale, rant, rate, rato, real, ream, reft, rent, roam, roan, robe, role, roof, room, root, rota, rote, rotl, roto, roue, rout, rube, rule, rune, runt, tabu, tace, taco, tael, talc, tale, tame, tare, tarn, taro, teal, team, tear, tela, term, tern, toea, tofu, tola, tole, tolu, tomb, tome, tone, tool, toom, toon, tora, torc, tore, torn, toro, tour, tram, tref, true, tuba, tube, tufa, tule, tuna, tune, turf, turn, ulan, ulna, umbo, unbe, unco, unto, urea

5-letter words

abler, aboon, abort, about, acerb, acorn, actor, acute, afoot, afore, afoul, after, album, alert, aloft, alone, aloof, alter, amber, amble, ament, amole, amort, amour, anole, antre, armet, artel, atone, bacon, baler, banco, baron, baton, beano, beaut, beton, blame, blare, blate, blear, bleat, blent, bloat, bloom, bluer, bluet, blume, blunt, blurt, boart, bolar, boner, boral, borne, boron, botel, boule, bourn, brace, bract, brant, bream, brent, brome, bromo, bronc, broom, brume, brunt, brute, bunco, buran, buret, burnt, buteo, butle, caber, cable, camel, cameo, caner, canoe, canto, caret, carle, carob, carol, carom, carte, cater, celom, cento, ceorl, claro, clean, clear, cleat, cleft, clomb, clone, cloot, clour, clout, coble, cobra, colon, color, comae, comal, combe, combo, comer, comet, comte, conte, conto, cooer, coomb, coral, cornu, cotan, count, court, craft, crane, crate, cream, croft, crone, croon, cruel, cruet, crumb, cuber, culet, curet, cuter, eclat, embar, enact, enorm, enrol, eruct, fable, facer, facet, fanum, farce, farle, fault, fecal, felon, femur, feral, fetal, fetor, feuar, flame, flare, fleam, float, floor, flora, flota, flour, flout, flume, fluor, Flute, focal, foram, force, forme, forte, forum, fount, frame, franc, frena, front, fumer, fumet, furan, futon, labor, lacer, lamer, lance, larum, laten, later, leant, learn, leman, lemon, lemur, lento, lobar, locum, loner, loofa, loran, lucre, lumen, lunar, lunet, lutea, macer, macle, macon, macro, manor, mater, meant, melon, menta, metal, metro, molar, molto, monte, moola, morae, moral, morel, moron, motel, motor, moult, mount, mourn, mucor, mucro, mulct, mural, muter, muton, nacre, namer, narco, nerol, noble, notal, noter, notum, oaten, oater, obole, ocean, ocrea, octal, octan, often, ofter, oleum, omber, ombre, orate, ounce, outer, outre, racon, ramet, rance, ratel, react, realm, rebut, recon, recta, recto, recut, reman, renal, roble, robot, roman, romeo, rouen, route, ruble, rumba, rumen, taber, table, taboo, tabor, taler, talon, tamer, taroc, tenor, tolan, toman, tonal, toner, trace, trona, trone, truce, tubae, tubal, tuber, tumor, tuner, turbo, ulcer, ulema, ulnae, ulnar, ultra, umbel, umber, umbra, unarm, unbar, uncle, unlet, unmet, urate, urban, ureal

6-letter words

abloom, acetum, acumen, acuter, almner, almuce, ambler, amount, amulet, antler, antrum, arbute, armful, armlet, artful, atoner, banter, barmen, batmen, beacon, becalm, befool, befoul, bemoan, blamer, boatel, boater, bolero, bolter, boomer, borane, borate, boreal, boucle, bounce, bourne, bouton, bromal, bronco, brulot, brumal, brunet, brutal, bunter, burnet, burton, butane, butler, cablet, cabmen, calmer, camber, camlet, canful, canter, cantle, cantor, carbon, carful, carmen, carnet, cartel, carton, cental, centra, centum, clamor, claret, cloner, coaler, coater, cobalt, cobnut, coelom, colone, colour, colter, column, colure, comate, combat, comber, confab, confer, contra, cooler, coombe, corban, corbel, cormel, cornea, cornel, cornet, cornua, corona, coteau, couter, crambe, crambo, craton, croton, cumber, cuneal, curate, curtal, cutler, earful, eluant, enamor, enroot, entomb, etalon, fabler, factor, falcon, falter, fantom, faucet, fecula, femora, ferbam, ferula, flacon, flambe, flamen, flamer, flaunt, florae, floret, fluent, fluter, foamer, foeman, foetal, foetor, folate, foment, fontal, footer, footle, formal, format, formol, fouler, frenum, fulcra, fulmar, fumble, furane, labour, labret, labrum, lacune, lamber, lament, lancer, lancet, launce, learnt, lector, loafer, loaner, lobate, locate, lofter, loment, looter, lucent, lucern, lumbar, lumber, lunate, macron, macule, manful, mantel, mantle, manure, marble, marcel, maroon, marten, matron, mature, mauler, melton, mental, mentor, merlon, merlot, molten, molter, mooter, morale, mortal, morula, mouton, muleta, nature, nebula, nectar, neural, nobler, normal, numbat, number, oblate, ocelot, octane, ocular, omenta, oracle, ormolu, ornate, outman, outran, racoon, ramble, ratoon, rebato, recant, recoal, recomb, rectal, rectum, reloan, reluct, rental, retool, robalo, romano, rouble, rubace, rubato, rumble, runlet, tabour, talcum, tambur, tanrec, tenour, tolane, tombac, tombal, tooler, torula, toucan, tramel, trance, tumble, turaco, turban, umbrae, umbral, unable, unbear, unbelt, unbolt, uncool, unfelt, unlace, unmoor, unreal, unrobe, unroof, unroot, untame, urbane

7-letter words

abluent, albumen, aleuron, almoner, automen, baneful, baronet, bloater, bloomer, blunter, boatmen, boomlet, borneol, bouncer, bromate, butanol, calumet, careful, cartoon, cembalo, centaur, central, centrum, clamber, clamour, cloture, clouter, clubman, clubmen, clumber, comfort, conform, confute, contour, control, coolant, coranto, corneal, cornual, cornute, cornuto, coronae, coronal, coronel, coronet, coulomb, coulter, counter, courant, courlan, crouton, crumble, curable, enactor, enamour, facture, femoral, flaneur, floater, flounce, flouter, footler, footman, footmen, foramen, foreman, formant, formate, formula, fortune, fraenum, frenula, frontal, frounce, fumbler, functor, funeral, furcate, furnace, lactone, lambent, lambert, leucoma, locater, locator, lomenta, lucarne, moanful, monocle, montero, moonlet, morceau, morulae, mouflon, moulter, mounter, mutable, nebular, nelumbo, neuroma, neutral, noctule, notable, nuclear, numeral, octanol, omental, ortolan, outbeam, outcome, outearn, outface, outrace, rebloom, reboant, recount, refloat, refutal, remount, romance, romaunt, roomful, rubeola, tambour, tearful, tearoom, telamon, temblor, tombola, tonearm, torulae, touraco, tremolo, trouble, trounce, tumbler, tumbrel, tumoral, tunable, turfman, turfmen, umbonal, unbrace, unclear, uncrate, unmoral

8-letter words

alumroot, amelcorn, anteroom, barefoot, beclamor, bluecoat, bootlace, brocatel, calutron, clubfoot, clubroom, clubroot, coenamor, colorant, columnar, combater, conflate, confuter, cornmeal, courante, couranto, ecotonal, emulator, falconer, falconet, flamenco, flameout, flaunter, footrace, formable, formulae, fumarole, mobocrat, monocrat, monofuel, mooncalf, outclomb, outfable, outlearn, outrance, routeman, Trombone, turbofan, turnable, umbonate

9-letter words

conformal, countable, formulate, monocular, mountable, mucronate, nucleator

11-letter words

comfortable, conformable

13-letter words


1371 words found.

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9y ago

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern C--L--ERA. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter C and 4th letter L and 7th letter E and 8th letter R and 9th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are:


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9y ago

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern B-C-A-E-R. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter B and 3rd letter C and 5th letter A and 7th letter E and 9th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are:


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