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Football, Soccer, Baseball, Bocce, Bowling, Tennis, Golf, Softball, Handball, Squash, Cricket, Dodgeball, Basketball, Polo, Rugby to name a few.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Dodge Ball...basket ball...foot i have to go on?

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Q: What 5 board games use a ball?
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What size netball should a 10 year old play with?

Most games (i.e. High School and Adult) are played with a size 5 ball, but a size 4 ball is also suitable, especially for an 8 year old

What are the best board games for parties?

settelers for catan. good for 5-7 people. I love it a lot.

What is the size soccer ball professional players use?

size 5

What pokeball do you use for mesprit?

with a master ball damage it to the red and use ultra ball p.s if it does not work keep tring at least 3-5 times

What are the best party board games for adults?

settelers for catan. good for 5-7 people. I love it a lot.

Why do Kevin garnett wear NUMBER 5?

garnett stated it takes every bit of 5 players on the floor at a time to win ball games. that is why he wears 5

Will there be a super saiyon 5 in the next Dragon Ball Z game?

-_- NO... plain and simple if there was no super saiyan 5 in the series then there won't be one in the games...

How long are you permitted to hold the ball in netball?

On average, you can only hold the ball upto 3(three) seconds. In primary school games, the ball can sometimes be held upto 5(five) seconds but it all depends on the umpire in primary school games.