What is a formula you could write to display 50 if the value stored in d20 equals the value in c70 or 25 if they are not equal using functions?
Put this formula in any cell except D20 or C70:=IF(D20=C70,50,25)Put this formula in any cell except D20 or C70:=IF(D20=C70,50,25)Put this formula in any cell except D20 or C70:=IF(D20=C70,50,25)Put this formula in any cell except D20 or C70:=IF(D20=C70,50,25)Put this formula in any cell except D20 or C70:=IF(D20=C70,50,25)Put this formula in any cell except D20 or C70:=IF(D20=C70,50,25)Put this formula in any cell except D20 or C70:=IF(D20=C70,50,25)Put this formula in any cell except D20 or C70:=IF(D20=C70,50,25)Put this formula in any cell except D20 or C70:=IF(D20=C70,50,25)Put this formula in any cell except D20 or C70:=IF(D20=C70,50,25)Put this formula in any cell except D20 or C70:=IF(D20=C70,50,25)