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Plato, Socrates and Aristotle

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Q: Were three renowned philosophers of golden age?
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Who were the three renowned philosophers of golden age?

Confucius, Mencius, and Xun Zi were Chinese philosophers of the Golden Age.

What were the three renowned philosophers of the golden age?

dark ages

Who were three renowned philosophers of golden age?

Three renowned philosophers of the Golden Age were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Socrates is considered the father of Western philosophy, Plato was his most famous student and founder of the Academy, and Aristotle was a student of Plato and later went on to establish his own school, the Lyceum.

Leaders philosophers and architecture of athens golden age?

Philosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle,Phidias - the greatest sculptor and Pericles a great leader were from this golden age of Athens.

Who were some of the great philosophers of Athens during its Golden Age?

socrates and Pluto and Aristotle

What else is the golden age of Athens called?

It depends on what part of Athen history you are looking at. There was a point of time called the "golden age" of Greece. If you are looking at Athens, there was the era of great philosophers, when the greatest philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle called out their qeustions.

What basic approach to knowledge did philosophers and scientists of the golden age share?

To go and buy groceries!

What is the golden age and explain pericles three goals?

what was the golden age and explain Pericles three goals

What are three accomplishments of the golden age of Islam?

The three accomplishments of the golden age of islam are scientific, mathematical, and literary accomplishments.Sorry i dont have specific examples.

How was the Spanish Century of Gold similar to the ancient Golden Age of Athens?

The "Century of Gold" was somewhat like the Golden Age of Athens, in that both produced a large amount of literature, art and philosophy. Philosophers in both eras also questioned faith and reason.

Who led Athens during its golden age and what were the three goals?

Gaylord Fawker ! ^_^

What are three names for the 1920s?

roaring twenties, golden age, and dry decade