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Q: Water-dwelling mollusks have in the mantle cavity?
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Most mollusks breathe with ciliated gills located in their mantle cavity?

its true as long as they are underwater

True or false Most mollusks breathe with ciliated gills located in their mantle cavity?


How do aquatic mollusks breathe?

Mollusks breathe using gills inside the mantle cavity which are thin, blood-filled, whip like filaments covered with tiny cilia. Hope this Helps!

What houses a mollusk's respiratory structures?

A mollusk respires through structures called ctenidia (gills), which are housed in the mantle cavity of most mollusks. The mantle cavity is a space between the mollusk's main body and its mantle, an organ with numerous important functions, including shell creation and osmoregulation.

How do most aquatic mollusks breath?

Mollusks breathe using gills inside the mantle cavity which are thin, blood-filled, whip like filaments covered with tiny cilia. Hope this Helps!

Which group of invertebrates has a mantle?

Mollusks have a mantle, which is a thin layer of tissue that covers their body and secretes the shell in shelled mollusks. The mantle plays a key role in respiration, excretion, and shell formation in mollusks.

Is the type of body cavity shared by all mollusks is a pseudocelom?

The type of body cavity shared by all mollusks is pseudocoelom is a false statement. The correct answer is coelom.

What group of invertebrates has a mantle?

Mollusks have a mantle, which is a protective layer of tissue that covers their soft body. The mantle plays a role in shell formation and can also secrete mucus for locomotion or defense.

Explain where the mantle is and what it does for mollusks?

The mantle is the fold of tissue which protects the inside mass. If a shell is not present, then the mantle forms it.

What traits do mollusks have?

They have a mascular foot, a visceral mass, and a mantle.

What is a body cavity called?

It is the mantle.

The thin folded membranous tissue that envelops most of the visceral mass in mollusks is known as what?

The thin folded membranous tissue that envelops most of the visceral mass in mollusks is called the mantle. The mantle is common on all mollusks, including those that live in freshwater.