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Q: The factors affecting the fall of a paper helicopter?
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Does the length of the wings affect the speed of a paper helicopter?

Yes, the length of the wings can affect the speed of a paper helicopter. Longer wings typically provide more lift and stability, which can result in a smoother and potentially faster descent. However, other factors like weight distribution and design also play a role in determining the overall speed of the paper helicopter.

How many seconds does it take a cannonball to fall from a helicopter?


How long does it take to fall 90 stories?

It would take around 10-12 seconds to fall 90 stories, assuming no air resistance or other factors affecting the fall.

What is the actual name for the helicopter seed that fall off a tree?

Helicopter seed

What are the factors affecting free fall?

The factors affecting free fall include the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s^2 on Earth), air resistance, initial velocity of the object, and the mass of the object. Other factors may include altitude, shape and surface area of the object, and the presence of external forces.

What are the factors affecting the climate of Nepal?

The factors affecting the climate of Nepal are: > Sea distace: Nepal is a land locked country. So the water molecules evaporated from bay of Bengal come to Nepal and fall as rain. > Equatorial distance: The revolution of earth. that changes season! summer and winter > Height and Slopes: 1 degree C temperature decreases after 125 ft. as Nepal is a hilly and slopy country, it does affect!

How does the wingspan of a falling helicopter effect the speed?

A larger wingspan on a falling helicopter can provide more lift, slowing down the descent speed compared to a helicopter with a smaller wingspan. This increased lift helps counteract gravity's pull and decelerate the helicopter's fall. However, other factors such as weight, air resistance, and angle of descent also influence the speed.

How do you skydive in Grand Theft Auto IV?

find a helicopter or use cheats and go as high as possible then get out of the helicopter and as u fall u skydive . make sure that before jumping your helicopter should be above water or when u fall down u will die.

Is a helicopter a simple machine?

no it does not fall into any of the categories and it is a piece of machinery.

When nothing but gravity is affecting the fall of an obeject it is said to be in?

A Vaccum Also called free-fall.

Does the object thrown form a decending helicoper fall faster than the helicopter?

Yes, it does because the helicopter has to remain under controlled descent.

What is the impact of Surface area and mass on time taken for a helicopter to fall?
