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Q: Rearrange all the letters in the word brush to find a woody plant?
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Is tapioca a woody stem plant or a soft stem plant?

it is a woody stem plant

Is Tomato plant has woody or soft stem?

soft to woody

Are stems or other parts of the plant woody and rigid like a tree?

It is a plant stems are woody plants of tree so yes it is a plant ...

What type of plant is a tree?

Woody is the type of plant that a tree is. A woody plant showcases cellulose for tension strength and lignin for compression resistance.

Is bougainvillea woody plant?

no it is a rain forest plant

Does a lettuce have a woody stem?

A lettuce plant does not have a woody stem. It grows on the ground.

What is the definition of woody stem?

A woody stem is a type of plant stem that is hard and rigid due to the presence of lignin in its cell walls. These stems provide structural support to the plant and can persist through multiple growing seasons. Woody stems are common in trees and shrubs.

A large woody plant?


Is plant having prop root a woody plant or non-woody plant?

Plants with prop roots can be either woody or non-woody. Prop roots are specialized roots that provide additional support to the plant. Examples of woody plants with prop roots include banyan trees, while some mangrove species are non-woody plants with prop roots.

What is the term that describes a non-woody flowering plant that is not a grass?

a non-woody flowering plant that is not a grass is called a forb.

What is a plant with long thick woody stem called?

A tree and the woody stem is called the trunk

Does tapioca plant have a woody stem?
