type in P63NF9MXXP
P29RP379XP and P2PPNHR7XP enjoy. don't do these. there agent cards not rare
an amazing card code is P32979TXXP and P3PPKN47XP
they are cards that you can unlock clues and replicators for.
Here are two: P22FK9G4XP and P3C9J6JPXP. Hope that helps!
The contest for free The 39 Clues cards expired in 2011. To get cards now, you must purchase them.
I have 32 clues beat that dumb one P.s I have all the ultra rare cards and one of them i have 2 copies
the 39 clues most rare card code is P32979TXXP
I dont know but this is my agent card P2HCJ6HCXP plz add me!
the books will only give you ten clues so the cards fill in the gaps along with the 39 clues website
Here is a card code its NOT rare i got it from a friend -P369GDXPXPMy agent code is P2C2RD4PXP