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Non-aquatic animals are the animals that cannot swim. But more specifically, most felines (apart from tigers) and even some birds like chickens cannot swim. Also most mammals are not very fond of water. Most reptiles swim but there are a few exceptions in snakes and tortoises. Chickens can swim! (I bet on it) Tortoises (not all of them) do not, they are too heavy and too slow to swim but i know for sure that they simply hold their breath and walk on the bottom of body of water. Mine was doing it by himself and seemed to enjoy it :) I think that most animals can swim, not all of them are good at it, or enjoy it. Cats also can swim! (they might not like it, but they swim) For some of them it comes naturally, some have to actually learn it from their parents or care takers (even big cats like lions).

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15y ago

There is an insect called a silverfish, which lives in houses and feeds on starchy materials. That might answer the question.

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Q: Name the fish that cannot swim?
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What fish cannot swim?

A very sick one. All fish are able to swim. Otherwise, It would not be one!

What is the name of fish which can't swim?

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Can sea fish swim in rivers?

No they can't because they need to have salt in the water. So no sea fish cannot swim in the river.

Which fish cannot swim in sea?

There are certainly aquatic animals that can't swim, such as the clam, or the adult barnacle (and even then, the larval form of the barnacle does swim) but you wouldn't really call anything a fish if it couldn't swim. Fish swim.

Which fish cannot swim in the sea?

Freshwater fish would not survive the salinity of the sea for very long.

Why are mammals different from fishes?

Yes, they are. Fish cannot be removed out of water without dieing, but mammals can be in water and land, and mammals have more organs than fish, but fish are the only ones with a Swim bladder. A Swim Bladder helps the fish find density in water to float and swim.

Why is the ability to swim an inherited trait in a fish but a learne trait in a human being?

The ability to swim is a survival trait in fish, they instinctively know how to swim because they cannot survive otherwise. Therefore only fish that know how to swim can pass on their genes to the next generation. Humans may also have an inherent ability to swim. Babies have the ability to swim when they are very young - a reflex. However, they cannot surface for air by themselves. They later lose this ability and need to learn how to swim at a later stage.

Your parrot fish has been swimming upside down for two weeks why?

If your fish cannot swim upright, is swimming on its side or upside down, it most likely has a swim bladder problem.