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Q: Name a household object that people sometimes talk to?
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Is a word the same as a name?

Sometimes it is - a noun is a name of an object (or type of object), or of an idea.

What would be cool science fair project name for a science experiment about testing bacteria on household items?

I think a good name would be germs on household items. Other ideas:Household floraFomite Flora (fomite is an object)The Contaminated KitchenShoe and Purse (Handbag) Contaminants

Is Elise Estrada known in the US?

There are people who know of her, but she hasn't really become a household name.

What is the birth name of Geoffrey Household?

Geoffrey Household's birth name is Edward West.

What is another name for the male head of the household?

Another name for the male head of the household is "patriarch."

What does the name vida stand for?

Life. People with this name are usually aggressive sometimes.

Is Justin Bieber a popular name?

Justin Bieber, being one of the most famous people currently, has become a common household name.

What is the household name of sodium bicarbonate?

The household name for sodium bicarbonate is baking soda.

What is the collective name for household deities worshiped by the Romans?

The latin name of the ancient goddess of household Hestia was Vesta There was also a household spirit called Lar

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HP Pavilion has become a household name after many years of success. HP Pavilion computers and laptops are reasonably priced, and function very well making them very accessable to a large number of people.

How did Alaska get it's name?

The name "Alaska" is taken from the Aleut word "aláxsxaq" that refers to an object to which the sea is directed, in this case the Alaska peninsula and mainland. This is sometimes loosely translated as "great land."

Do religions sometimes force people to conform?

Yes religions sometimes force people to conform. Many wars have been fought in the name of religion.