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Q: My thunder rolls beneath me my lightning flares above I dust the crust and when I bust all I touch will I shove What am I?
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What is some proof to show that light travels faster than sound?

A lightning storm is an excellent example of light travelling faster then sound because of the fact that unless it is directly above you the lightning always streaks first and then you hear the thunder.

The thunder comes before the lightning the lightning comes before the clouds The rain dries everything it touches?

This riddle describes the sequence of a storm: thunder is heard before seeing lightning, and lightning comes before the clouds in the sky. The rain eventually falls from the clouds and evaporates, leaving things dry where it touches.

What parts of speech are the word in on above beneath?

In, on, above, and beneath can all be used as prepositions and adverbs.

Three features found on or above the surface of the sun?

Sun spots on. Flares on and above. Solar wind above.

What is the antonym of beneath?


What are the release dates for Above and Beneath - 2003?

Above and Beneath - 2003 was released on: USA: January 2003 (Sundance Film Festival)

What does lightning do?

Lightning is a discharge of electricity in the atmosphere that occurs during thunderstorms. It can heat the air to temperatures five times hotter than the sun's surface, causing rapid expansion and creating the sound we hear as thunder. Lightning can also strike the ground, trees, buildings, or even people, posing a significant danger due to its high voltage.

Can you have lightning without thunder?

No, thunder always accompanies lightning. Lightning is the visible discharge of electricity in the atmosphere, while thunder is the sound produced by the rapidly expanding gases along the lightning's path.

Is there lightning above clouds?

Yes, lightning can occur above clouds. A type of lightning called "cloud-to-cloud" or "anvil crawler" lightning can be seen branching out above storm clouds. This is typically caused by the electrical discharge between different regions within the cloud or between different clouds.

Describe three features found on or above the surface of the sun?

Sunspots: Dark patches on the sun's surface caused by magnetic activity that are cooler than the surrounding area. Solar flares: Explosive releases of energy and radiation from the sun's surface that can disrupt satellite communication and create auroras. Prominences: Large arcs of solar material extending out from the sun's surface due to magnetic fields, often visible during solar eclipses.

What are some of the features that are on the surface of the Sun or above it?

Some of the features on the surface of the Sun include sunspots, solar flares, and prominences. Above the surface, you can find the solar corona, solar wind, and solar storms.

How do you get Pokemon lightning version?

just here to say...when i was little, i dreamed about a Pokemon Thunder Version. O.o but WTF are you even talking about? Are you talking about version Yellew where you get Pikachu as a starter and it follows you around? if not I agree with the person two lines above