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  • civilize
  • devise
  • galvanize
  • individualize
  • novelize
  • overgeneralize
  • oversize
  • pulverize
  • trivialize
  • uncivilized
  • vaporize
  • vocalize
  • visualize

· oversize
  • evangelize
  • overanalyze
  • overcapitalize
  • overemphasize
  • overfertilize
  • overgraze
  • oversized
  • vandalize
  • vaporize
  • verbalize
  • victimize
  • visualize
  • vocalize
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Wiki User

11y ago
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Wiki User

16y ago

Azure, ozone, pizazz, dazzle, fizzle(d), frazzle(d), nozzle, brazier, daze(d), gaze(d), grizzled, grizzly, haze(d), jazz, jazzy, lazy, laziness, glaze(d), maze, prize, prizes, prized, quiz, quizzed, raze, razed, razor, sizzle(d), sizzler, wizen, zeal, zit, zygote, zombie, zap, zigzag, zip, zipped, zipper(s), zone,zebra,zinc.

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Wiki User

10y ago

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 4 words with the pattern -V-Z--. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter V and 4th letter Z. In alphabetical order, they are:





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15y ago

fez (a type of hat) buzz fuzz fuzz jazz razz (informal, to tease someone) topaz (yellow gem stone)

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13y ago

Vizor (a variant spelling of 'visor' despite what the spell check on here thinks!)

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11y ago

· civilize

· oversize

· vandalize

· vaporize

· verbalize

· visualize

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13y ago

Zebra, zinc, zoo.

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Q: List out the words which ends with letter Z?
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Show me all the words ending in z?

Here is a list of, I'm pretty sure, every word in the English dictionary that ends in the letter Z. That link will take you to the listing.

List of six letter words with z as second letter?


What is a five letter word starting with Z ends in A?

Some words that start with Z and end in A are:Zambiazebrazetazinniazoysia

What 5 letter words start with O and end with Z?

No 5 letter word in the English language starts with the letter O and ends with the letter Z.

What Country Ends with the letter Z?

Zambia and Zimbabwe begin with the letter Z. Several countries include the letter z in their name. However, no country name ends with the letter z.

What are some two letter words that end in z or p?

Up ends in P but I don't know any for Z

Can you give me a list of 5 letter words that contain the letter z?

Some 5 letter words that contain the letter Z are azido, azine, azons, bezel, and blaze. Some more words with a Z in them that have 5 letters are bazoo, booze, ditzy, and glaze.

What is a 4 letter word that starts with z and ends with w?

There are no English words that meet the criteria.

What hockey words begin with the letter x?

A check of several hockey glossaries show no words starting with the letter X. The list skips from W to Z. The hockey words that start with Z are Zamboni and zone.

What are some 5 letter words that begins with J and ends with Z?

Jenaz (It's the name of a municipality in Switzerland.)

How do you use a sentence ending by z?

This sentence ends with the letter z.

Can you have a list of descriptive words to describe a person particuaraly for a female starting with the letter z?
