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There are also taxes. There is suffering. There are several inevitable actions we are confronted with in this game of life. Death is our guide, our only true friend for he will not forsake us. He serves to remind us that life is all together too short and this helps inform our actions. It's not that we die that matters, it's how we lived. In faith many of us believe we are more than just these bodies and the inevitability of death is but a spiritual path we take. Whatever one believes, it is those of us who believe that life is what matters now that accomplish the most while here. One of the most astounding things about humanity is it audacious nature and willful actions towards altering inevitability. We'll fight revolutions to avoid taxes, we'll invent pain killers to ease the suffering, we'll search in vain for a fountain of youth and all the while we live, we die we are reborn.

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Q: Is the purpose of life death as it is the one enevetable action?
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Tattoo with meaning of life and death?

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No. The only reasonable time to move on to death is when life is no longer possible. If you are experiencing disappointment with life, you should know that such feelings are not permanent and you are likely to feel differently later.

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the tombs were built for the Egyptian Pharohs to sucsessfully enter the 'afterlife' (life after death)

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If someone is simply living to die then the meaning of life will be death. If a person is simply existing and there is no purpose to life then it can be said that he/she is simply living until it is time to die. For a person whose life is meaningless because he/she cares for no one or nothing and no one cares for him/her the meaning of life is death, because the world is dead to him/her and he/she is dead too the world. For as long as someone cares about someone or something and there is someone who cares about him/her then he/she should have a reason for living or a purpose in life.

What is the science definition of death?

The action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism.

Is it true that Christians only believe in life after death because they are scared?

No. Christians believe in life after death because that is what the Bible says not because they are scared. The Bible says man is more than just a body, man also has a soul. The Bible also says that a soul lives on after death and after physical death there is eternal life or eternal death for the soul. Christian beliefs give a purpose for life and a hope of life after death.

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After purpose, an individual may consider setting goals or taking action to fulfill that purpose. This could involve creating a plan, making decisions, and taking steps towards achieving their ultimate objective or fulfilling their life's purpose.

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You don't have to be here. You could be somewhere else. It is true that death seems to be in the normal scheme of things, but in the meantime, with life we have choice, but in death we don't. * Some people think we are here on Earth to learn and grow, and that is the purpose of our life.

What welsh poet exalted life-affirming action in the face of death?

Dylan Thomas in 'And Death Shall Have no Dominion,' not to mention "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night."