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NO, you can damage it.

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Q: Is it ok to charge a 7.2 V battery pack with a 9.6 V charger?
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How long to charge dead laptop battery?

Check and see how many Ah (Amper hours) your battery is. If it is for a gas/gasoline car, then it is probably around 42 Ah; batteries for diesel are usually around 72 Ah. Check the power of your battery charger. It should be something between 4-6 A. You must divide the battery capacity by the charger strength to get the time necessary. For example: your battery is 42 Ah and your charger is 6 A. Then the time needed will be 42 Ah / 6 A = 7 h. Charge your battery no longer than 7 h. Please note that overcharging the battery permanently damages it.

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will a firewall from a 73 dodge charger fit a 72 dodge charger

What size battery does a 72 dodge charger have?

Group size 24, 25, 26 or 27 will work. Depends on which engine you have,

Will new charger rims fit your 72 charger?

Not without modification

Is there a 72 pack of crayons?

Yes, Crayola has made a 72 pack before.

What are the differences between float charging and boost charging in solar power battery systems?

The difference between a float charger and a trickle charger is that the float has circuitry to prevent overcharging. It senses when the battery voltage is at the maximum level and temporarily shuts off the charge (floats voltage at zero or a very minimal charge until it senses that the battery output voltage has fallen, then resumes charging ). You can keep it connected indefinitely. A trickle charger, on the other hand, will charge no matter whether the battery is fully charged or not. So it needs to be connected and disconnected periodically. If left in place too long it'll eventually boil the electrolyte out of the cells or damage the plates. Trickle chargers will work to keep the battery charged if used once a month or so for a day or 2, but the float chargers can be left connected indefinitely without potential harm to the battery. For example, a 24 volt battery pack, comprising 12 2-volt flooded lead-acid cells, which has been deeply discharged, would normally be restored by a boost charge of approximately 2.4 volts per cell for a short time (perhaps around 72 hours). Once the collective cell voltage reaches a surface charge of 28.8 volts (2.4 volts x 12 cells), the charge rate would be switched to the sustained lower float- charging rate of typically 2.23 volts. Eventually, with the Boost charge removed, the surface charge will diminish slightly and the battery-bank voltage will stabilise at a preset float voltage, in the case of the example above to approximately 27 volts (2.23 volts x 12).

Can new dodge charger transmissions fit in a 72 charger?

Not without drastic modifications.

How do you recharge a dead car battery?

Depends how dead it is.Start off by checking the cell levels and topping them up with distilled water,nothing else,if one cell is MUCH lower than the others it can indicate a dead cell that has an internal short caused by sulphate deposits between the battery plates,if this is the case the battery is knackered.After topping up,leave the cell caps off and connect the + and - of the battery charger to the battery,making sure you have connected them the right eat + to+ - to -,plug the charger in then switch on,the battery if flat/low will draw a high current at the begining of charging (The ammetre will swing to right if a electro/mech gauge from 0 to about 10 Amps,depending on the capacity of the charger and the state of the battery)if its a charger with charging lights,more lights show a high current charge,the battery will pull a high charge for about 5 hours and as the battery charges up the amps it draws will slowly decrease to about a couple of amps.On average it takes about 12hours to fully charge a flat battery,if the battery has been excessively discharged it can take upto 72 hours with a 10 amp charger (no kidding!)Fast charging batteries should be avoided as it can and does damage them.The ONLY way to check that a battery is fully charged you will have to use what is called a hydrometer to check the electrolytes charge in each cell,insert the hydrometer in the first cell and draw up some of the electrolyte with the bulb ontop until the float starts to float (You are checking the fluids specific gravity here) most floats are colour marked red,orange,green,the higher the float sits in the liquid the higher the charge,look at the level of the fluid against the floating float,if fully charged the fluid level will be accross the green portion of the float,check each cell one at a time and rinse the hydrometer between cells with distilled water,just suck some up with the hydrometer and the squeeze it out.Each cell should hold about the same charge when fully charge,any cells that show low levels of charge may be dead say if you get 5 cells in the green and one in the red after 12hrs of charging the battery is knackered,it will start a car,but it wont hold a charge as the dead cell will cause a slow short circuit in the battery,replace the battery.Sometime if you charge the battery for a couple of days you may be able to recover a battery with a dead sell as the sulphate deposit might be dissolved removing the short,but best not to risk it though,nothing worse than a battery you cant trust!DO NOT USE A HIGH CURRENT CHARGER (50AMP+) TO TRY AND "BOIL" A BATTERY TO LIFE,YOU WILL OVERHEAT IT AND BUCKLE THE PLATES!!)When tha battery is fully charged,check the fluid level and top up if nesescary and replace the caps on the cells,leave the battery to degas for half an hour or so before using.Fully charged voltage after sitting for an hour after charging should be 12.8-13.8v,any lower replace battery.simply with a battery charger. you can also try jumper cables to charge it up enough.

What battery is used in the palm zire 72?

A Rechargeable Lithium Polymer 900mAh battery

How much horse power does 1972 dodge charger 440 have?

They were detuned in '72, rated at 280 hp

What is the horsepower of 1973 dodge charger with a 440 magnum engine?

The 440 was detuned to 280 hp in 72

What is the difference between a 1970 dodge charger and a 69.. 71.. and 72 dodge charger?

the 69 had a split grille and the 70 had a one piece grille similar to the 68's grille but still different and in 71 and 72 it was a totally different body from the 68, 69, 70.